Copyright 2013-2015. Enterprise Marketing Unlimited, Inc.. All rights reserved.
As a real estate investor or business owner, your CPA or accountant is afforded the widest range tax deductions available. And you want to take advantage of every possible legitimate tax deduction you can.
But when it comes to getting approved for a business loan, or line of credit or commercial real estate loan – these same strategies can work against you. Unless you work with an accounting firm that understands what banks and lenders look for. That’s why should be YOUR choice for all your business accounting, financial reporting and tax preparation needs. We understand what lenders look for because we are a sister company to one of the most aggressive commercial mortgage brokerage firms in the country.
Underwriters will look at your tax returns and do standard “add-backs” like depreciation and compensation to officers to determine cash flow of a business but very few bank underwriters will dig much deeper without detailed and clear cut documentation from you and your CPA (documentation that is rarely available when you need it most). We provide all our business tax clients with a Cash Flow Analysis statement (at no additional cost) that details all tax deductions taken to minimize tax liability and to clearly show the true cash flow / net income from your business (something no other CPA or accounting firms does that we are aware of).